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Romanian President Welcomes Prince Akishino Of Japan And Princess Kiko

Romanian president Traian Basescu and his wife Maria on Wednesday welcomed Prince Akishino, second son of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan, and his wife, Princess Kiko, at the presidential Cotroceni palace. The two high officials are on a four-day visit to Romania, part of a European tour, at the invitation of the Romanian head of state. Romanian culture minister Theodor Paleologu, head of the diplomatic mission organized in Bucharest, also attended the welcoming ceremony. Prince Akishino and his wide visited Wednesday the Cotroceni Museum and met with Senate chairman Mircea Geoana and Chamber of Deputies speaker Roberta Anastase. Japan’s ambassador to Bucharest, Yoshinobu Higashi, told a press conference last week that the visit of Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko to Romania was extended from three to four days at their request, as they are very anxious to learn more things about Romania.
President Basescu praises Japanese assistance during Romania's transition
During the meeting, president Basescu communicated Romania's appreciation of the generous assistance offered by the Japanese government during the transition years, the Presidential Administration said in a press release. The Romanian leader thanked the high guests for the visit they are paying and sent the best wishes to Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. He also recalled the visit he paid to Japan in 2005 and he thanked for the welcome made by Their Majesties on that occasion. Prince Akishino voiced satisfaction to be visiting Romania amid the 50th anniversary of the resumption of the Romanian-Japanese diplomatic ties. He presented the Romanian president a message from Emperor Akihito in which he expresses hope that the bilateral relations of Romania and Japan will be even closer in future. On Wednesday evening, the Romanian president and his wife will give an official dinner in the Japanese guests' honour.Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko are visiting Romania as part of a European tour to celebrate the Year of the Friendship between Japan and the Danube River Countries - Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.On Thursday, Their Imperial Highnesses are scheduled to visit the monastery of Sinaia and the nearby Peles castle (north of Bucharest) and on Friday - the last day of the visit - they will visit the Farming School at Branesti, near the capital and the Institute of Apiculture Research and Development.
