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Adrian Vasilescu (BNR): The discourse about the taxing of multinationals is a populist one

Adrian Vasilescu, strategy advisor with the Central bank - BNR stated on Sunday that the discourse about the taxing of the multinationals is a populist one, but there is  a European directive underway in this sense.

‘The multinationals are part of the export of Romania and  they are among the first 1000 companies out of the 700 000 as there are in Romania. It is a populist discourse’ stated on Sunday in a televised show with Digi 24 Adrian Vasilescu, strategy advisor with the BNR.

Thus he answered a question which referred to the statements made a while ago by Liviu Dragnea who supports that he wants to increase collections from the big tax-payers, namely from the multinationals, accused domestically and at the level of the community that they transfer their profits  to fiscal paradises.

‘ A European directive is under way through which the multinationals will be forced to leave as much money as possible in the country where they function’ Vasilescu said.
