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About 1,400 projects of 103 million euros to be financed through PNDR

The Agency Financing Rural Investments (AFIR) received 1,397 projects within the National Program for Rural Development (PNDR) 2014-2020 of 103,78 million euros.

Most financing demands, 1,041, were sent for Measure 6.1, “Support for installation of young farmers”. The cumulated value of the grant for all submitted projects is 44.36 million euros.

Another measure, which attracted interest was 4.1 “Investments in agricultural exploitations”. AFIR received 121 projects, of which 103 concern the vegetal sector. The value of grants for the 121 projects amounts to 53.54 million euros.

The session for receiving projects opened on March 25.

178 financing applications were received for Measure 19.1 “Support for elaboration of local development strategies” for a total value of 2.44 million euros. The session opened between March 25 and June 5, 2015.

At the same time, AFIR will open in September a new session for projects referring to measure 7.2 “Investments in creating and modernizing basic infrastructure at small scale” and measure 7.6 “Investments associated with protecting cultural patrimony.”

This new session receiving projects for rural infrastructure will take place at the same time with the re-evaluation of over 200 projects sent by local authorities through measure 125 “Improving and developing infrastructure for development and adapting agriculture” and measure 322 “Renovating and developing villages, improving basic services for rural economy and population and highlighting rural heritage”, within PNDR 2007-2013, as a result of the accord received from the European Commission.
