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FinMin Citu: Romania will emerge from this crisis with a changed economic structure, but more efficient

Romania's economy will recover because measures have been taken from the outset to support production and our country will emerge from this crisis with a changed economic structure, both private and public, but more efficient and competitive, Finance Minister Florin Citu said.

"The budget execution proves that we acted correctly and in due time! Romania's economy will recover because we took measures from the outset to support the production capacity in economy. At the first signs of crisis, we took measures to support the capital, the private economy. If we hadn't taken these measures, we would not have had anything to rely on after surpassing the health crisis. (...) Romania will emerge from this crisis with a changed economy structure, private and public, but more efficient and more competitive," Citu wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

According to him, the budget execution for March shows that actions were taken in due time in order to support economy, money being "immediately" injected, namely 7.7 billion lei left in the economy by postponing the payment of some fiscal obligations by economic agents during the state of emergency, 3.17 billion lei additional VAT refunds, one billion lei increase in investment expenditures and one billion lei downpayments of national transitory aids in the vegetal and zootechnical sectors.

"These measures proved to be vital for economy's survival. The furlough followed next, postponing bank installments and IMM Invest. The data of the budget execution for April will show that we had a rescue plan and will especially show that the plan worked. We won't stop here!," the Finance Minister mentioned on his social media page.
