Managers estimate increase in construction and retail trade prices in next three months
Romanian managers estimate, for the period October-December 2023, a relative stability of activity in manufacturing and services, a moderate decrease in the number of employees in construction, as well as an increase in prices in construction and retail trade, according to data the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on Friday.
In the October 2023 business survey, managers in the manufacturing industry forecast for the next three months a relative stability in the volume of production (conjunctural balance +4%). Regarding the number of employees, relative stability is estimated, with a conjunctural balance of -2%. Prices of industrial products are expected to increase in the next three months (conjunctural balance +16%).
According to the estimates of October 2023, the construction activity will record a moderate decrease in the volume of production for the next three months (conjunctural balance -11%). Managers estimate a moderate decrease in the number of employees (conjunctural balance -6%), while the prices of construction works are expected to increase (conjunctural balance +31%).
In the retail sector, managers forecast a moderate growth trend in economic activity over the next three months (conjunctural balance +13%). The volume of orders placed with suppliers of goods by business units will increase moderately (conjunctural balance +13%). Employers forecast for the next three months an increase in the number of employees (conjunctural balance +18%). Managers of trading companies estimate an increase in retail prices (conjunctural balance +31%).
According to the October 2023 estimates, the demand for services (turnover) will be relatively stable over the next three months (conjunctural balance +1%). The number of employees is also expected to be relatively stable (conjunctural balance -1%).
According to managers' opinion, the selling or invoicing prices of services will tend to increase moderately (conjunctural balance +12%).