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Romania, the third in the EU among the countries with the highest commercial excess in the relation with Africa

A number of 23 member states of the EU had, last year an excess of the commercial balance following the exchanges with Africa, the highest positive balance being registered by Belgium (3.8 billion euro) Germany (3.7 billion euro) and Romania (over 1.7 billion euro), show the data published on Monday by Eurostat.

According to these figures, Romania surpasses  countries such as France or the Netherlands. In 2018 Romania had exports worth 2.295 billion euro to Africa, while imports of Romania from Africa were 585 million euro.

Similarly, five  EU member states registered a deficit of the commercial balance on the relation with Africa, the biggest negative balance being the ones registered by Italy (four billion euro) the UK (seven billion euro) and Spain (nine billion euro).

At general level, the European Union is the biggest commercial partner of Africa, surpassing China, India and the US. Starting with 2015 the EU registered a surplus of the commercial balance in the relation with Africa, which reached a peak of 28 billion euro in 2016. Even so, due to the increase of imports from Africa this surplus dropped at 18 billion euro in 2017, so that in 2018 it will be reduced to only one billion euro.
