The Chamber of Commerce: the measures of overtaxation announced are a serious blow to the economic stability
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania consider that the new measures of overtaxation announced by the government are a serious blow to the economic stability of Romania with negative effects on the companies, both state-run ones and private ones, with Romanian or foreign capital.
The unexpected way in which the measures of overtaxation were announced, without a public debate and without the consultation of the business environment represents a factor generating economic instability, a press release of CCIR signed by the chairman Mihai Daraban.
The business community of Romania expected the Romanian government to support the development of the companies and the creation of the work places and will not impose overtaxation measures.
The overtaxation measures are in contradiction with the commitments assumed by the prime-minister of the government of Romania Viorica Dancial who stated on 29 January 2018 in the parliament when she was signed in. ‘ As long as I am prime-minister I will not introduce any new tax in Romania. My purpose is to make it easier and simplify the economic life not to complicate it’.
We consider that the acute lack of economic predictability induced by the measures of overtaxation will affect negatively the development of companies, investment plans and the creation of new work places in Romania.
We require the Romanian government to give up the measures of overtaxation and not to give the bill of government on the companies registered in Romania and their employees.