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Artrom Steel Tubes signes takeover agreement with American company GLGH Steel



The Romanian seamless steel pipe producer, Artrom Steel Tubes S.A, has reached an agreement to be taken over by GLGH Steel, a company of the American investment fund Great Lakes Global Holdings, according to a press release of the Romanian company.

"As we are interested in exploring new opportunities for Artrom, we hope that the new government can take the necessary steps as soon as possible to allow Artrom to carry out its activity normally. If these conditions are met, we are confident that Artrom can launch on a new business trajectory, focusing on strategic areas such as production for the defence industry and decarbonization, which require substantial investments from our group," said Adam Hitchcock, founder and managing partner of GLGH, in the press release.

The share purchase agreement for the acquisition of Artrom was concluded in November between GLGH Steel and the former Serbian owners of Artrom, and the transaction is subject to the necessary regulatory approvals from the Romanian authorities.

GLGH Steel is currently working to secure the support of the Romanian Government for this transaction, which would put Artrom's future development on the right track.

'This transaction ensures that thousands of jobs in the southern region of Romania, in particular those in Olt and Caras-Severin counties, will be protected. The local economy will consequently be stimulated by a capital infusion of millions of dollars in the coming years. Furthermore, the company will benefit from a sustainable and constant investment flow, allowing it to develop and expand other production lines to access new markets,' the press release says.

Currently, Artrom Steel Tubes S.A. has over 2,000 employees and is the market leader in the production of seamless steel pipes.
