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Blugento has doubled the turnover at over one million euro in 2020


Blugento, the Cluj company specialised in supplying eCommerce solutions has doubled the turnover last year, at over one million euro and estimates a growth of 50% of the business for this year. The company has announced that they launch their own platform eCommerce B2B, dedicated to the corporate sector, which means the sale of products and services for companies.

In this context, Blugento launches a platform eCommerce B2B, dedicated to the corporate sector, which means the sale of products and services for companies.

 ‘20% of the total of transactions last year on the Blugento platform were made by companies. We expect a doubling of the number of B2B transactions this year,both due to new clients and as a result of the users of the platform eCommerce B2B. At general level, we expect a growth of sales to companies, as there are more and more companies migrating to online’ says Sandu Babasan, CEO Blugento,estimating for this year, a growth of over 50% of the turnover against the previous year.


The  new e Commerce platform destined to online sale of products and services to the B2B sector aims at companies which has in plan to increase the turnover, by partnerships B2B and especially, the  companies for distribution and producers who want to keep a direct relation with the market or a very organised and digitised relation with the resellers.


The new eCommerce B2B Premium platform was developed in 12 months. Blugento B2B benefits from all Blugento standard functions: payment with card for all processors in Romania,delivery and self-AWB through popular couriers in Romania, eMAG integration and, of course, all standard functions popular in eCommerce.


Implementation of the Blugento platform allows the construction of an online shop from scratch, in a single day, the clients having access to all functions offered by the Magento platform adapted to the market in Romania from the fiscal and legislative point of view. Blugento has at present over 400 clients and they offer a complete range of services of eCommerce:technical infrastructure, hosting, security update, marketing services integration, SEO and other services connected to online commerce.

