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IT and payroll activities, most outsourced services

IT activity and payroll services are the most outsourced services by the local companies, followed by accounting, customer support and acquisitions, according to a press release of consultancy Accace Co.

In the past five years, outsourcing accounting activities registered a considerable advance locally and, through a continuing computerization of these processes, the number of companies that choose to appeal to specialized providers will increase more and more in the upcoming period.

'Outsourcing IT was the first option as concerns the outsourcing of departments ; however, gradually, the companies began to perceive the advantages of outsourcing in case of some other important internal activities, as the payroll accounting or customer support', said Bogdan Badea, managing director of Accace in Romania .

If, in case of outsourcing IT services, the main reason why the companies are turning to this business model are reduced costs, in the case of payroll the priority is to secure data confidentiality.

As concerns the accounting activities, they are outsourced because that provides an increase in efficiency of the internal processes, of the flexibility of services provided, but also of a scalability of the level of development of the companies.

'Another reason for outsourcing accounting is the too big effort internally for the companies to be aware of the legislation in Romania and the existing bureaucracy. In addition, local businesses also feel the need for some consulting services, that add value in the accounting field ', added Bogdan Badea.

Currently, at the level of the local companies, the accounting activities are mainly conducted in a computerized form, but the introduction of the accounting documents in the automated management systems is often carried out by hand, so that the workload and error rates are high. Therefore, accounting digitization will lead to an increase in the degree of outsourcing.

In Romania , outsourcing of accounting activities is a common practice in companies in industries such as transport and logistics, energy industry, oil and gas, media & publishing, but also in companies in the utility and telecommunications fields.



