15th Bucharest Model NATO Conference to take place Feb 27 - March 2

The 15th edition of the Bucharest Model NATO (BMNATO) conference aimed at facilitating the European youth's understanding of the role of the North Atlantic organization and the development of their communication skills, by emulating official NATO debates, will take place February 27 - March 2 at the Palace of Parliament.
"The project is an academic simulation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization debates, conducted in English and having as main goals informing young people about the structure of European political-military alliances, decision-making procedures and diplomatic mechanisms for solving problems of global humanitarian interest. (...) Now, more than ever, it is important that we understand the role of NATO in the global political-military context, and to prepare the youth for a complete and complex understanding of the future. BMNATO 2025 will offer teenagers from all over Europe the chance to develop their leadership, teamwork and communication skills, and will open up new horizons for the participants in terms of diplomacy and the political-economic problems of the world," the organizers said in a release.
The participants will be divided into four committees: the North Atlantic Council, the North Atlantic Council under Article 4 (Crisis), the Civilian Intelligence Committee, and the Military Committee. They will take part in the debates in compliance with the position of the country they represent, and will present solutions to current global problems.
Over time, the NATO Model Conference has gathered more than 2,500 participants, 14 organizing teams and distinguished guests.