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AmCham's suggestions to improve Romanians' financial culture

AmCham launched on Thursday suggestions meant to improve the Romanians' financial culture , among which granting value stamps and holiday vouchers in electronic format, the adoption of the private pension law (pillar II and III), a stimulative fiscal regime for the purchase of insurance policies. Suggestions were made during talks at National Bank headquarters, where chief BNR economist Valentin Lazea participated, next to representatives of the financial industry, of consumers and of authorities in the field.

There were no representatives of Parliament and Government.

AmCham also proposed the setting up of a national day of financial education, the introduction of messages of national interest on financial education in the media and the distribution of a set of financial management principles for families. The organization also has in view the conclusion of a strategic partnership of the financial industry and the Ministry of Education to facilitate and develop programs of financial education in schools.
