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Amendment of new penal codes discussed by CSM with EC experts

The amendment of penal codes and aspects concerning judicial management are some of the subjects approached by representatives of the Higher Magistracy Council (CSM) and experts of the European Commission within the Mechanism of Cooperation and Verification.

The meeting of CSM leaders and members, leaders of the High Court of Justice, representatives of the Public Ministry and of the Ministry of Justice with EC experts in justice on mission to evaluate the progress made and fight against corruption in 2015, within MCV, was held at CSM headquarters on Tuesday.

According to CSM representatives, CSM leaders presented priorities for 2015 and discussed actions taken for the independence of justice, the activity of Judicial Inspection, the responsibility of the judicial system, defending professional independence and reputation, the magistrates’ disciplinary responsibility, the implementation and evaluation of the impact of new civil and penal codes, suggestions to review the Constitution, relations with other juridical professions and the civil society as well as the main conclusions of the Report on the state of justice in 2014.

“Referring to initiatives for the continuation of reform of the Romanian judicial system legislative proposals were mentioned, especially the ones amending the new penal codes and aspects on judicial management, human resources, volume of work, transparency, Council measures and actions on efficiency confidence in justice,” according to CSM.

Projects on the unification of jurisprudence and online publication of court decision were presented to EC experts.

“The main directions of action for the next period for the independence of the judicial system, the increase of the degree of integrity and responsibility, efficient activities of courts and prosecutors, and active involvement in the reform of the judicial system and fight against corruption, were pointed out at the meeting.”

The second part of the meeting was devoted to technical talks about the implementation of new civil and penal codes and the evaluation of their impact, monitoring performance indicators of court activity, effects of measures adopted on court activity and on the citizens’ degree of satisfaction.
