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ANITP: Romania continues to be a country of origin for trafficking in human beings

The deputy director of the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP), Maria Cristina Stepanescu, states that Romania continues to be a country of origin for victims of trafficking in human beings.

She participated, on Tuesday, at the "Henri Coanda" International Airport, in the launch of the "Healthy Choices for a Safe Future" national campaign against human trafficking.

"This is more than unfortunate. Between January and June, 252 victims of human trafficking were identified. At the same time, when it comes to prevention of human trafficking, in the same period, the first six months of this year, the efforts of the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons led to the implementation of 75 national prevention campaigns and projects," said Maria Cristina Stepanescu.

She added that the anti-trafficking messages posted on the institution's Facebook page reached over 5 million users.

"Our initiatives were also addressed to the online environment, to the users of social networks (...), the posts containing anti-trafficking messages and useful recommendations made on the Agency's Facebook page, saw an impact of over 5 million users. During the same interval, 78 training sessions were held for specialists who come into contact with victims or potential victims of human trafficking, attended by 1,900 specialists, including: police officers, prosecutors, social workers, doctors, teachers," pointed out the deputy director of ANITP.
