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Bucharest hosts informal meeting of Special Envoyrs for Syria and heads of mission from EU MS

 The minister of foreign affairs, Luminita Odobescu, emphasised the importance of coordinating international partners in order to identify concrete ways by which a political solution to the crisis in Syria can be advanced, at the informal meeting of the Special Envoys for Syria and the heads of mission from the EU member states that manage the issue of the crisis in Syria.

"The minister of foreign affairs, Lumini?a Odobescu, participated on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Bucharest, in the opening of the informal meeting of the Special Envoys for Syria and of the heads of mission from the EU member states that manage the Syrian crisis. In her intervention, Minister Luminita Odobescu highlighted the importance of coordination among the international partners to identify concrete ways to advance a political solution to the crisis in Syria, which has lasted for more than 13 years and continues to affect millions of people. The Romanian official emphasised Romania's support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis, in accordance with the framework established by the UN Security Council resolution no. 2254 and with the 'step by step' vision of the UN Special Envoy, Geir Pedersen," reads a press release sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Luminita Odobescu also highlighted Romania's contribution to improving the humanitarian situation in Syria, by providing assistance to the Syrian civilian population in the amount of over 45 million euros, in the last ten years.

"The head of the EU - Syria Delegation, Dan Stoenescu, noted that dialogue and cooperation are essential to keep the crisis in Syria in the international spotlight. He highlighted the role of the Romanian MAE in facilitating the discussions and reiterated the attention that the EU and its member states pay to the Syrian crisis, a fact proven by the organization in Brussels, at the end of May, of the Ministerial Conference for the future of Syria and the region. The representative of the UN Office in Damascus, Tareq Talahma, emphasised the importance of coordinating and synchronizing international efforts for the advancement of the political process in Syria, in agreement with the mentioned UN resolution. He stated that the extension of the crisis generates a considerable impact on the stability and security of the Middle East. The participants appreciated the event in Bucharest for facilitating an exchange of ideas on the subject of the crisis in Syria and for the concrete contribution to the advancement of a political solutions in Syria," says the MAE.

The meeting takes place between May 23-25, in Bucharest, and is organized by the EU Delegation - Syria and the European External Action Service (EEAS), in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania. 



Friday, May 24, 2024