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Budgets of Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Finance are supplemented by Government

The budget of the Ministry of Health was supplemented on Wednesday, through a resolution that was approved in the Government meeting, with 721 thousand lei, money that is meant for financing the first stage of the programme of cooperation in developing the neonatal and children's heart surgery capabilities in Romania.

Of this sum of money, 255 thousand lei are allocated for staff expenses and 466 thousand lei for goods and services.

They also supplemented the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the current year, Chapter 83.01 'Agriculture, Forestry, Fish Breeding and Hunting,' Title 10 'Staff Expenses,' with the sum of 1,730 thousand lei, and Title 51 'Transfers between Units of Public Administration,' with the sum of 626 thousand lei for paying the enforcement titles stipulated by Government emergency ordinance 71/2009.

The budget of the Ministry of Public Finance was also supplemented with 5,399 thousand lei.
