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Bulgarian Embassy organized a meeting in Bucharest of the European Union heads of diplomatic missions

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Friday attended a meeting in Bucharest of the European Union heads of diplomatic missions (HoMs) where she expressed her confidence that the results of 2018 will be similar with those of 2017 as a result of government action to efficiently manage and modernise the economy.

The meeting was organised by the Bulgarian Embassy in Romania in the context of the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council.

"The meeting provided the prime minister an opportunity to exchange views on the domestic situation of Romania, as well as to discuss the priorities of the Romanian Government in connection with the European agenda. Dancila showed that in 2017 Romania reported the highest economic growth among the member states of the European Union, where industry, agriculture and modern services, such as IT and research and innovation, played an important role. In this context, the prime minister expressed confidence that the results of 2018 will be similar to those of 2017 as a result of government action to effectively manage and modernise the economy," according to a press statement released by the Romanian Government.

At the same time, regarding the priorities of the Romanian Government for 2018, Dancila mentioned "the fulfillment of our responsibilities as an EU member state (preparing the Romanian presidency of the Council of the European Union, setting a precise timetable and the necessary steps for joining the euro zone); modernisation of the Romanian economy; prioritisation of major projects in the field of culture and protection of national heritage."

Dancila presented to the ambassadors of the EU member states accredited in Bucharest the investment coordinates of the national budget for 2018, underlining an increase in public spending on investment, adding more funds for the state aid schemes and the provision of funds for projects conducted on European funds.

"The legislative and institutional actions that the Government intends to initiate were another topic addressed during the talks. A new law on public procurement, a law on investment under public-private partnerships and the re-design of public procurement monitoring and management mechanisms and procedures were the initiatives unveiled for which the prime minister requested the collaboration of the ambassadors of the EU HoMs."

Dancila also reaffirmed the Romanian Government's support for a series of measures aimed at increasing the role and contribution of women in economic and social life.

Discussed among the topics on the European agenda were the future of Europe, internal security in the EU / Schengen Area and the Multi-annual Financial Framework.
