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Central bank's forex reserves reached EUR 60,837 million in January

 On January 31, 2025, the National Bank of Romania's (BNR) foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR 60,837 million, as against EUR 62,135 million on December 31, 2024, BNR reported on Monday.

During the month, there were EUR 2,716 million worth of inflows representing changes in credit institutions' foreign currency-denominated required reserves with the NBR; inflows into the Ministry of Finance's accounts; inflows into the European Commission's account and other.

Also, EUR 4,014 million worth of outflows representing changes in credit institutions' foreign currency-denominated required reserves with the NBR; interest payments and principal repayments on foreign currency public debt and other.

The gold stock remained steady at 103.6 tonnes. However, following the change in the international price of gold, its value amounted to EUR 8,973 million.

As of January 31, 2025, Romania's international reserves (foreign currencies and gold) stood at EUR 69,810 million, as against EUR 70,491 million on 31 December 2024.

In February 2025, the payments due on the foreign currency-denominated public and publicly guaranteed debt amount to approximately EUR 543 million.
