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Charles Michel: We must take a decision as soon as possible regarding Romania's accession to Schengen


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, on Monday stated, in Bucharest, that a decision must be made as quickly as possible regarding Romania's accession to the Schengen area.

"We have to make a decision as quickly as possible regarding Romania's accession to the Schengen area," said Charles Michel, at the Cotroceni Palace, after his meeting with President Klaus Iohannis.

He declared himself convinced that the European Union would be safer if Romania entered the Schengen area.

"It is absolutely clear to that Romania fulfills the criteria and that we need to take a political decision as soon as possible and I will do everything I can in order to make sure that this happens, this is our common goal in 2023, because I under very well the disappointment of the citizens. And I would like to tell the people in Romania that there is a broad support at the European level for Romania to join the Schengen area as soon as possible," the European official said.

Charles Michel said that migration is a challenge at the EU level and stated that a discussion on this topic will take place again in June.

"You can count on me, on your president, all the people of Romania should know that I will do my best. Free movement is something fundamental at the EU level," the European Council president emphasized.


În turn, President Klaus Iohannis stated on Monday that there is no concrete date in discussion about Romania's accession to the Schengen area, nor in June or October, while stating that this process must be completed during this year.

"All the negotiations are continuing. (...) There is no concrete date in discussion at this point, nor in June or October, but our ambition is to complete this process this year, successfully for Romania, and we wish for Bulgaria too. It would be the best thing for us to enter Schengen together. And this is not something that only concerns Romania, or Austria, or some officials in Brussels, but this is an issue that concerns the entire European Union, which must solve this matter. Schengen is an emblem of the EU. It is about the freedom of movement of the European citizens and the fact that a vote was not successful on December 8 is a slap in the face to the European Union and the aspirations of free movement of European citizens. This problem must be solved as soon as possible, the sooner the better, if we want our citizens to continue to believe that the European Union is a space not only of the Single Market, but also of freedom of movement," Klaus Iohannis pointed out, after meeting with the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, who is currently visiting Bucharest.

The head of state emphasized that for Romania accession to Schengen remains a national objective.

