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Chisinau asks Russian embassy to explain repeated military exercises in Transnistria

A representative of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau was summoned at the Foreign Ministry of Moldova on Wednesday to offer explanations about repeated military applications of the Operative Group of Russian Troops (OGRT) held in Transnistria together with Tiraspol force structures to “counteract terrorist threats”, Radio Chisinau informs.

Such actions involving foreign military forces, illegally placed on Moldova’s territory and military and paramilitary subdivisions of pseudo state entity unrecognised by anyone (Transnistria) are unacceptable, represent a scornful attitude against pacifying mechanisms in the area and undermine Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, according to Moldova’s Foreign Ministry quoted by the radio station.

In this context, Moldova Foreign Ministry shows the Russian military forces and ammunition should withdraw from Moldova and the present peace keeping operations should become a multinational civil mission with international mandate.

The Reintegration Office within the Chisinau government expressed worries about the new military applications, held near Tiraspol on August 16 and 17, 2016, organized by the so-called Transnistrian force structure together with OGRT. In a press release, the Reintegration Office considered those actions illegal and unacceptable in Moldova.

Such military manoeuvres frequently organized of late, show the existence of consolidate interaction between Russian military troops and Transnistrian force structures, Chisinau officials point out.

Applications held near Tiraspol were personally supervised by the so-called premier of the separatist region, Pavel Procudin, according to Infotag news agency.

According to Chisinau authorities, the participation of leaders of Tiraspol administration in these movements show a certain tension of the situation in the area.
