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Ciuca: Big attemtp to include PSD and AUR leaders in second round. It is also Russia's will

Liberal president Nicolae Ciuca (PNL) said on Tuesday, that action is taken to have the Social Democratic Party (PSD – ruling party) leader Marcel Ciolacu and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR - opposition) leader George Simion in confrontation in the second round of presidential elections.


According to Ciuca, such a situation is not only the wish of PSD , but also that of Russia. “We can see what happened following the deicison of the Constitutional Court to eliminate a counter candidate on the electoral line of AUR. At present, efforts are made to include PSD and AUR leaders in the second round. It is the option and wish of PSD , as they think they could win in this formula. Unfortunately, after seeing what happened in Moldova, it is not just their wish but also that of Russia. For that reason I consider Romania's citizens must pay attention to what they want from now on,” said Ciuca in a statement to the press.


Asked about the information that there are foreign interferences in Romanian elections, Ciuca said that Russia was applying in East European countries instruments specific of hybrid war.


This set of instruments specific of hybrid war, used by Russia in Moldova, is applied wherever it is interested, especially in east European countries and not only. Such actions took place in other European countries and for that we do not need other arguments,” the PNL president explained.


Asked whether he had concrete information that a secnd round of elections between Marcel Ciolacu and George Simion would by imposed by force, the PNL leader invoked the Constitutional Court (CCR) decision. “At present, what was imposed by force at CCR decision is obvious. I do not think we need another proof” he mentioned.


Ciuca reiterated he wanted a coalition of right wing forces after elections and mentioned he had discussed with UDMR leader Kelemen Hunor.
