Education unions : It will be a long strike
The President of the "Alma Mater" National Trade Union Federation, Anton Hadar, says that he has not received solutions from the Government to the short-term and long-term problems of university education, and the trade unionists' strike will at least continue this week.
"The short-term problems did not receive the proper response, that there is no money, that we have a deficit. Something was tried with the deficit, I don't know if they managed to increase it, to be accepted by the European Commission on the budget, but we didn't received a proposal in such a way that we are satisfied. The longer-term solutions, that is, the future Salary Law, are also in progress. At this rate, I guarantee you that there will be a strike this week, and I think it will be a long-lasting strike, not just for a week", Hadar said at the end of the discussions at the Victoria Palace.
He specified that the trade unionists from university education must start negotiations with reference to the problems for which they started the strike, respectively against Romania's social and economic policies.
"We must be called for these discussions. There is another case pending, but I repeat, at this rate I do not see the end of the strike, I am a man with experience and I think we will have weeks of strike. In the short term, solutions should be found to cover inflation, salaries, which are very low, or give only to beginners - 18,000 colleagues from both pre-university and higher education, you realize that it is not satisfactory, because there will be colleagues who are immediately next to beginners, who will be dissatisfied. A solution must be found here as well. There are almost 260,000 teaching staff in pre-university and higher education," added the president of the "Alma Mater" National Trade Union Federation, Anton Hadar.