Erhard Busek, at SEEMO Forum, Bucuresti 5-6 November
number from Romania, as well as international personalities such as Erhard Busek former Austrian vice chancellor will come to Bucharest on 5 and 6 November in the SEEMO Forum.
SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organisation) is a reginal organisation of the press editors in the South-East Europe, created in 2000 in Zagreb as an organisation affiliated to the International Press Institute.
SEEMO defends and promotes the freedom of the press, acts for the improvement of standards and practices in journalism in the region of South-Eastern Europe, to offer a platform for debate regarding the important aspects for regional mass-media.
A conference regarding the liberty of the press, the influence of the political over the mass-media and the corruption was organised on 23 September 2014 at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest.
This year, the over 200 participants to the SEEMO conference in Bucharest will reunite at Marriott Hotel and will discuss about what the business in this domain is, what competition is on the media market, who the owners are and how we deal with the challenges represented by what we call the new media.
The forum is organised by SEEMO together with the Media programme for the South-Eastern Europe , the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the Central European Initiative (CEI) where Romania belongs.
In the forum will be awarded the SEEMO-CEI prize for Special Merits in Investigation Journalism and the prize for the young journalist of the year, from Freedom House and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.