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Eurostat: Highest material deprivation rate in Bulgaria (30%),Greece (21.1%), Romania (19.4%) and Hungary (14.5%)

In EU, 6.7% of people (33 million persons) suffered from severe material deprivation last year, the highest rate being in Bulgaria (30%), Greece (21.2%), Romania (19.4%) and Hungary (14.5%), according to preliminary data released by Eurostat on Tuesday. In contrast rates were the lowest in Sweden (0.8% in 2016), Luxembourg (1.6% in 2016), Finland (2%) and Holland (2.6%).

According to Eurostat, people facing material deprivation do not have the means to pay bills in time, maintain house heating at adequate level, unexpected expenses, regular meals including meat or the vegetarian equivalent, a week of holiday away from home, a TV set, washing machine, telephone, a car.

2017 data reflect the continuous dropping tendency to the number of EU citizens faced by severe material deprivation, from the top level of 9.9% in 2012. Most states for which data are available for 2017, the number of citizens faced with severe material deprivation dropped compared to 2016, except for Denmark (where it went up by 0.5%, from 2.6% in 2016 to 3.1% in 2017) and Holland where it remained stable at 2.6%. Drops were recorded in Romania (from 23.8% in 2016 to 19.4% in 2017), Italy (from 12.1% to 9.2%), Croatia (from 12.5% to 10.3%), Bulgaria (from 31.9% to 30%) and Cyprus (from 13.6% to 11.7%).

