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Eurostat: Romania - 5th lowest EU employment rate for women

Romania registered the 5th lowest employment rate for women in EU in 2013 - 56.2%, while the difference of 9.1% between wages received by men and women ranks Romania among the first ten EU states with the lowest payment differences between genders. Women represented 44% of the labour market in Romania in 2013 and occupied 32% of leading positions. Women represented 61% of workers in services and sales, according to data published by Eurostat.


The employment rate among men in Romania was 15.4% higher than among women - 71.6% in 2013.

At EU level, the lowest occupation rates among women were in Greece (43.3%), Italy (49.9%), Croatia (52.8%) and Spain (53.8%). The classification is headed by Sweden, where 77.2% of women are employed, followed by Germany (72.5%), Denmark (72.4%) and Finland (71.9%).


Hungary (57%) and Poland (57.6%) were close to the Romanian level for the employment rate among women.


Eurostat data show that the difference between wages received by men and women in Romania grew from 8.5% in 2008 to 9.1% in 2013, when the EU average dropped from 17.3% to 16.4% in the same period of time.


In these conditions, Romania ranks 7th in the top of the lowest wage differences in EU which is led by Slovenia, where men earn by 3.2% more than women. Malta (5.1%) , Poland (6.4%), Italy (7.3%), Croatia (7.4%) and Luxembourg (8.6%) come before Romania.


The biggest differences between wages obtained by men and women are registered in Estonia (29.9%), Austria (23%), Czech Republic (22.1%) and Germany (21.6%).


Eurostat data refer to people aged between 20 and 64 at 2013 level.

