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Eurostat: Romanians were the Europeans most at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2023


Almost a third (32%) of the Romanians were at risk of poverty and social exclusion last year, this being by far the highest percentage registered among the member states of the EU in 2023, show the data published on Wednesday by Eurostat.

According to the European statistics official, last year 94.6 million people from the EU (the equivalent of 21% of the population) were at risk of poverty and social exclusion, namely they lived in a household which had at most one of the three situations: poverty risk, material and social severe deprivation and/or they lived in a household with very reduced intensity of work.

Eurostat says that the figure dropped slightly as compared to 2022 when 95.3 million people in the EU (21.6% of the population) were at risk for poverty and social exclusion.

Among the member states, the highest percentage of people at risk for poverty and social exclusion was in Romania (32%), Bulgaria (30%), Spain (27%) and Greece (26%). On the other hand, the lowest percentage was registered in Czechia (12%), Slovenia (14%), Finland and Poland (both 16%).

In the case of Romania, the percentage of the people at risk for poverty and social exclusion dropped from 34.4% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

At the level of the EU, the poverty and social exclusion risk was in 2023 higher for women (22.3%) as compared to men (20.3%). At the same time, over a fifth (22.4%) of the EU population who lived in a household with dependent children was at risk for poverty and social exclusion.
