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Finance Ministry intends to borrow RON 5.245 billion in August from commercial banks

 The Ministry of Finance planned, in August 2023, loans from commercial banks in the amount of RON 4.6 billion, to which the amount of RON 645 million can be added through additional sessions of non-competitive offers, related to bond auctions.

The total amount, of RON 5.245 billion is RON 645 million lei higher than the one that was scheduled in July, of RON 4.6 billion, and will be intended for refinancing the public debt and financing the state budget deficit.

According to the prospectus published in the Official Journal, on 17 August an auction will be organized for an issue of discount certificates, in the amount of RON 300 million, with a maturity date of 28 February, 2024.

Also, during August, nine issues of benchmark bonds will be launched, with a total value of RON 4.3 billion, followed the next day by an additional session of non-competitive offers, with a value of 15 pct of the initial value of the bond issue (RON 645 million in total).

Thus, auctions were scheduled for a bond issue of RON 300 million on August 3, and for eight issues of RON 500 million on 3 August, 7 August, 17 August, 21 August, 24 August, 28 August 28 and 31 August.
