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FinMin Teodorovici: the ministry has calculated several scenarios based on the evolutions in Greece

Romanian authorities have considered the risk of higher financing costs owing to the current situation in Greece, Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici declared on Tuesday. 

All the Greek-owned financial institutions in Romania operate on Romanian laws, and the National Bank of Romania (the central bank) closely monitors this area, he mentioned. "The only issue that could still arise is the financing of Romania on the market, a risk that we have taken into account," he added. 

Teodorovici said his ministry has calculated several scenarios based on the evolutions in Greece and the cost was "supportable." 

Greece owes 320 billion euros, of which 65 percent to Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund and 8.7 percent to the European Central Bank. The country is technically in payment default since July 1.
