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Former CIA director: Ukraine winning the war depends first of all on US help

Former CIA director David Petraeus says that Ukraine's victory against Russia would suppose winning back territories lost as of 2014 and that depends first of all on the aid offered by the United States.


David Petraeus launched on Wednesday, at the National Defense University Carol I, the volume “Conflict: the evolution of warfare from 1945 to Ukraine,” which he co-authored with Andrew Roberts.


In that context, the former CIA director made a short analysis of the Ukraine war and what victory in this conflict means. He American general considers that it supposes regaining control on all territories held by Unkraine prior to 2014.


Petraeus showed that all depended on sustained US support. But is also depended on Ukraine to solve a difficult aspect, the average age of its soldiers, which is now around 40. It also depended on whether western states agreed to give Ukraine 300 billion dollars from Russian funds frozen in western countries, an aspect that is absolutely vital and also legal, from Petraeus' point of view.


The volume “Conflict: the evolution of warfare from 1945 to Ukraine,” signed by Andrew Roberts and David Petraeus, was launched on Wednesday by New Strategy Center at Carol I National Defense University. The event was attended by Nicolae Ciuca, president of Romania's Senate, Eugen Mavris, rector of the university, George Scutaru, CEO New Strategy Center, general Dragos Iacob, deputy Head of General Staff.



Friday, May 24, 2024