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Former Romanian intelligence director accuses far-right leader of serving Putin’s Interests

AUR Senator Claudiu Tarziu deliberately chooses topics in line with Hungarian far-right politicians while serving the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin, former Romanian Intelligence Service Director Eduard Hellvig wrote on social media on Monda, www.euractiv.com informs.


Tarziu, one of the leaders of the far-right AUR, is “cynically manipulating sensitive issues that he knows is a fantasy”, Hellvig wrote on X.


On 24 January, the Day of Unification of the Romanian Principalities, Tarziu made a speech, discussing reintegrating the Romanian state within its natural borders. “We will not be truly sovereign until we reintegrate the Romanian state within its natural borders, with Bessarabia, Northern Bucovina, southern Bessarabia, Her?a county, Transcarpathia”, he said, referring to territories that belonged to Romania, and currently part of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.


Hellvig sees a connection between Tarziu’s statement and László Torocskai’s declaration that Hungary should reclaim territories from Ukraine if it loses the war with Russia.


The annexation of Ukrainian territories is a recurrent theme among the extreme right in Romania.


In November 2023, the Senate rejected a bill proposed by Diana ?o?oa?a, leader of an extremist pro-Russian party, which advocated for annexing territories from Ukraine and the union with the Republic of Moldova.
