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ForMin Melescanu asks he Russian ambassador to Romania to avoid

 Romania's Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu and the Russian ambassador to Romania, Valery Kuzmin, agreed on Monday upon "a pragmatic approach" of the bilateral relationship and the need to avoid "improper rhetoric in public statements," the Foreign Ministry (MAE) says in a press statement. 

Minister Melescanu emphasised "the importance of a pragmatic approach in the bilateral relationship, expressing Romania's openness for dialogue." 

At the same time, the chief diplomat mentioned "the need to avoid improper rhetoric in public statements and to focus efforts on direct dialogue." 

In this respect, Melescanu stressed that Romania's external commitments and stances, in particular those related to Romania's belonging to the European and Euro-Atlantic values' community "are deeply consensual components at the level of the Romanian society," MAE adds.
