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Gold prices hit a new all-time high of 437.1590 lei/gram

The gram of gold rose on Monday by 6.2546 lei (1.45%) to 437.1590 lei, from 430.9044 lei, as announced on Friday by the National Bank of Romania (NBR), reaching a record high.


The national currency appreciated on Monday by comparison to the euro which was calculated by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) at 4.9766 lei, dropping by 0.01 bani against the previous quotation, of 4.9767 lei.

On the other hand, the leu lost ground to the American dollar, which was quoted at 4.8595 lei, up by 6.36 bani (+1.33%) compared to Friday, when it was 4.7959 lei.

The national currency depreciated against the Swiss Franc, calculated by BNR at 5.2985 lei, up by 3.47 bani (0.65%) against 5.2638 lei, the previous quotation.
