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Government approves new Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with perspective of 2050

The government approved, in Thursday's meeting, the new Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050, announced the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja.

"After 17 years, today we took an essential step: the Government approved the new Energy Strategy of Romania 2025-2035, with the perspective of 2050. It is more than a document - it is the vision for a safe, competitive and clean future in the field of energy, for the Romania of tomorrow. A plan of intelligent investments, of pragmatism and of mobilizing its own resources, so that Romania truly becomes a force in region and beyond. By us we mean development, jobs, a competitive economy, a country respected in Romania and in the world," the minister wrote on his Facebook page.

He reminded that, at this critical moment, with major market fluctuations, geopolitical and security crises, as well as economic difficulties, the answer is the use of own resources and the reduction of imports, massive investments in energy production capacities and in the transport and distribution network , local production of equipment, digitization and leading technologies, all at the service of an energy sector that offers safe, cheap and clean.
