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Government extends state of alert by 30 days, removes restriction regarding religious pilgrimages

The Government decided, by decision, to extend the state of alert by another 30 days on the entire territory of Romania starting May 13 and to eliminate the restriction regarding the participation in religious processions or pilgrimages only near domicile or residence, announced the head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Raed Arafat.

The main elements of novelty are:

1. Circulation allowed for the date of 13th May 2021, between 2 and 5 morning for the celebration of Ramadan.

2. The restriction connected to the residence regarding participation to religious processions or pilgrimages has been eliminated


The DSU hetad stated  that the participation of spectators at sporting events has been taken into consideration, either as a test or as pilot event, on the basis of the MTS proposals with the MS agreement.


 ‘Participation is allowed for the people who are vaccinated, or those who have the negative result of a PCR test not longer before 72 hours.During the meeting there was also added the antigen test no longer than 24 hours with certification from authorised person. The conditions are established through joint order MTS-MS’ Raed Arafat said.


He also referred to the activity of cinemas, concerts, theatres, with participation of the audience over 50% only for events considered as test or pilot. ‘Until 1st June there are also analyses made by the interministerial committee for the measures starting on 1st June or after 1st June, further  documents are exprected’ Arafat said.


Premier Florin Citu announced on Monday that the state of alert will be extended and restrictions for skiing will be eliminated, as long as they are no longer valid during this period. ‘Yes, we are extending the alert state. There are measures which have no meaning. For example, as regards the mountain resorts and skiing,we will take out those restrictions for skiing, for example. We had restrictions which we introduced two months ago, those will no longer exist as there is no sense’ the head of government said.


The executive has on the agenda for the reunion on Monday a draft decision regarding the release of Viorel Rascovici from the position of subprefect of Alba county.


  • The list of the countries for which quarantaine is imposed when coming  to Romania has been updated

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) updated the list of countries/areas/territories with high epidemiological risk for which quarantine is imposed for a period of 14 days when coming  to Romania.

Thus, according to Annex 2 to the CNSU decision 26/10.05.2021 the yellow area ( quarantine at home/stated location for 14 days) there are the following countries/areas/territories.


* Uruguay

* Bahrain

* Maldives

* Seychelles

* The Cape Verde

* Turkey

* Sweden

* Argentina

* Croatia

* Puerto Rico

* Andorra

* The Netherlands

* Lithuania

* France

* Costa Rica

* Mongolia

* Columbia

* Kuweit

* Slovenia

* Paraguay

* Chile

* Latvia

* Anguilla

* Serbia

* Georgia

* Belgium

* Luxemburg

* Estonia

* Qatar

* Brazilia

* India

* Montenegro

* Bermuda

* Iran

* Oman

* Germany

* Peru

* Palestine

* Hungary

* Austria

* Aruba

* Switzerland

* Ukraine

* the Czech Republic

* Canada

* Italy

* Poland

* Greece

* Liechtenstein

* Armenia

* Bulgaria

* United Arab Emirates

* North Macedonia

* Liban

* Iraq

* Jordan
* Spain

* the US

* Kosovo

* Bosnia and Herzegovina

* Tunis

* Guyana

* Azerbaidjan

* Kazahstan

* Bahamas

* Curacao

* Belarus

* Trinidad and Tobago

* Denmark

* Nepal

* Monaco

* Suriname

* Ecuador

* Bolivia

* South Africa  
