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Iohannis about the highway and railway connecting Constanta and Gdansk

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, that new steps will be made next week in carrying out projects announced by the US ambassador – building a high way and railway connecting Constanta and Gdansk.


There are two big infrastructure projects discussed at the 2018 meeting held in this very room. In the meantime, important steps have been made. Chambers of Trade associated, an investment fund was decided upon and I think we will make new steps next week, with a video conference to carry out these projects,” Said Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday at a press conference.


The head of state avoided to offer a time span for the carrying out of those projects.

Since they are very big projects I cannot mention the time span when  they can be carried out, but they are important because they will connect the North-South axis,” the head of state said.


US ambassador Adrian Zuckerman announced on Friday, at the singing of the inter-governmental accord with the Department for Energy that a new project would be carried out in Romania, together with Poland, for building a new highway and railway connecting Constanta, at the Black Sea and Gdansk at the Baltic Sea. That infrastructure project would represent a huge benefit for the economies of Romania and Poland and for those in the area, for years to come.

Lucian Bode, the minister of transports, said on Saturday that efforts and seriousness start yielding results.“It will be a real benefit for economies of partner states,” Bode said.
