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IRES: Price hike worries Romanians the most, followed by fear of war

The price hike worries Romanians the most, and this is followed by the fear of war, according to an opinion poll conducted by IRES in March.

According to the survey, 38 pct of the respondents said that they are currently most concerned about rising prices, 34 pct said fear of war, 6 pct - the political situation, and 6 pct - the fear of disease.

The rise in prices was also the main concern of Romanians last year, but in second place was the fear of disease. Thus, 30 pct of those surveyed said that in 2021 they were most concerned about the increase in prices, 27 pct - fear of disease, 7 pct - political situation, 6 pct - fear of war, 6 pct - job insecurity, 6 pct - lack of jobs.

The IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) survey was conducted between March 11 and 17, on a sample of 1,051 people over the age of 18 and has a maximum tolerated error of 3.1 pct.



Friday, April 1, 2022