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Jan - May trade deficit drops 13 pct to 11.06 bln euros

Romania's FOB/CIF trade balance deficit as of end-May stood at 11.06 billion euros, down 13.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, as FOB exports rose 7.5 percent to 39.68 billion euros, and CIF imports advanced 2.1 percent to 50.74 billion euros, shows data released on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

FOB exports in May 2023 totaled 8.64 billion euros, and CIF imports stood at 10.81 billion euros, resulting in a deficit of 2.18 billion euros. Year-over-year, exports this May were 8 percent higher, and imports inched up 0.8 percent.

The product groups with a significant share of the country's trade in the reporting period were machines and transport equipment (44.9 percent for exports and 35.8 percent for imports) and other manufactured products (30.3 percent for exports and 28.8 percent for imports, respectively).

Intra-EU27 trade exchanges over January - May 2023 amounted to 28.91 billion euros on the outbound and 37.11 billion euros on the inbound, representing 72.9 percent of total exports and 73.1 percent of total imports, respectively.

Extra-EU27 trade exchanges over the same period amounted to 10.77 billion euros for exports and 13.63 billion euros for imports, representing 27.1 percent of total exports and 26.9 percent of total imports.

