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Law on setting up National Directorate of Cyber Security to replace CERT-RO, promulgated

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the law on the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 104/2021 on the establishment of the National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC).

The government passed this emergency ordinance on September 27.

The new institution will replace CERT-RO. In the next period, DNSC will take over the staff, infrastructure and responsibilities of the former CERT-RO. The Directorate is designed as a large-scale civilian institution, capable of soon becoming an internationally and nationally recognized Centre of Excellence.

The law states that the DNSC has responsibilities for the cyber security of the national civil cyberspace, a component of national security. The normative act also stipulates that the institution "fulfills the attributions of the competent cyber security authority at the national level for the providers of hosting services, cloud type services and the providers of content distribution networks." 
