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Ministry of Energy: Romania has no problems in ensuring the necessary energy

Romania has no problems in ensuring the necessary energy from domestic production, and as regards the Monday morning imports, they were done in the end consumer's interest, announced the Ministry of Energy in a press release.
"Romania has no problems in ensuring the necessary energy from domestic production: there are enough production units and fuel stocks to cover the country's entire energy consumption, Romania even recording available energy for exports (for example, last night, Romania exported during the 3:00-4:00 interval around 483 Mwh/H). On February 13 2017, the electricity import recorded during the 9:00 hrs to 10:00 hrs interval was accomplished the next day's market, coupled with markets from Hungary, the Czech republic and Slovakia. The mechanism at the basis of the Market Coupling functioning is the social welfare of the end consumers, these are the ones who need to have access to the cheapest available energy," mentions the quoted release. 

According to the Ministry of Energy, "in the aforementioned interval, the energy sold in Romania had a higher price than the energy provided by the market coupling energy. 

"As such, imports made during this time were in the Romanian final consumer's interest. We recall on this occasion, that including at peak winter times, in which Romania recorded historical power consumption, our country produced about 10,000-11,000 MW / h, ensuring not only the domestic demand but also export quantities (about 1,000 - 1,500 MW / h), Romania being a balancing factor in the region," the ministry argues. 

"According to real time data posted on the Transelectrica website, on Monday morning, the energy production of the country was lower than the national consumption and the import-export balance was in favor of imports. Thus, at 10:00 hrs, consumption was 9,120 MW and the total production was 8,654 MW. Imports were higher than exports, the difference being of 475 MW.
