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New Government to be smaller, with lower number of state secretaries

The leader of the Save Romania Union (USR)'s deputies, Ionut Mosteanu, said on Thursday that the pro-European parties agreed to the idea that the future Government should have a smaller number of ministries than the current Government and a lower number of state secretaries.

He mentioned that among the topics of discussion between the four parties are the administrative-territorial reorganization and the reform of the information services.

"There are two essential topics that are now on the table of our colleagues who are discussing them, let's assume some clear and realistic deadlines for these. So Romania needs administrative-territorial reform, it will happen, for sure, we will do it in steps making sure to align, as I said, all the agendas. You know that there are some slight differences between the parties in the coalition regarding what this reform would look like, but we will certainly find a way", Mosteanu said.

Mosteanu also mentioned that the future prime minister and the future Government must stay at the Victoria Palace for four years and not just until a new president is elected.

"I believe that, and here is my vision and that of my colleagues. I believe that this governmental construction that we are doing now is a construction that must remain standing for four years. Otherwise, any other approach would be a frivolous one towards the Romanians. We must accept this and leave time for a team to build, put things on the right track and continue in another, better pace, the reforms that Romania needs, the uptake of European money. There is no such thing as making a Government for three months, as I said, it would be a frivolous job. We are looking at a perspective of four years , we also have the experience of 2020 and we will do everything to work better in the Government with our partners", he said.
