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President Basescu's letter on situation in Ukraine, sent to Deputies' Chamber plenum for briefing

President Traian Basescu's letter on the situation in Ukraine was sent to the Deputies' Chamber plenum for briefing, this forum's secretary Niculae Mircovici announced on Monday.

'Mr President's letter about the situation in Ukraine goes to the plenary session for briefing,' Mircovici said at the end of the Standing Bureau meeting.

In the context of the crisis in Ukraine, the North-Atlantic Alliance approved a package of 18 immediate reassurance measures of the allies, among which the strengthening of the air police mission, shows the letter sent to Parliament by the head of state.

'In this context, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) requested Romania's support for strengthening the reassurance measures of the south-eastern flank of the Alliance by integrating an aircraft detachment belonging to another NATO member state in the national forces that conduct the air police mission, with a deployment period between four and six months, going to be replaced by another detachment on a rotation principle, depending on requirements and on the situation development,' the document points out.

According to the source, based on and in accordance with the Law 291/2007 on the entrance, stationing and operation conduct or transit of foreign armed forces on Romania's territory, we approved the Prime Minister's proposals referring to the entrance and stationing in Romania of an aircraft detachment and the corresponding crew, depending on the deployed aircraft, namely 150 - 250 persons, belonging to some allied states, based on the rotation principle, for conducting, together with the national forces, NATO air police missions.

'The necessary funds for conducting NATO air police missions referring to its infrastructure and maintenance will be ensured by our country and the costs for the operation and maintenance of NATO aircraft will be supported by the origin country,' the document points out.

