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PresidentialElection2024/Thousands of people at rally "for freedom" in Bucharest's University Square

Thousands of people are participating on Thursday evening, in Bucharest's University Square, in a rally "for freedom and democracy", according to the association Geeks for Democracy, the organizer of the event.

Writer Radu Paraschivescu told those present that Romania risks being isolated in the context of the second round of the presidential elections.

"I think it's the worst situation since 1989. (...) Now we risk isolationism and we risk passing, from a river bank of history, where we were until 35 years ago, back, after we had years and decades in which we climbed. With setbacks, with failures, with frustrations, with accidents, with steps back, with moments of depression, with moments of doubt, but we continued to climb. And now, only an ill-intended person does not notice that the Romania of 2024 no longer resembles the Romania of the '90s," said Paraschivescu.

Former television presenter Melania Medeleanu asked Romanians to vote with democracy.

"Those of you who think you have no one to vote with, vote with democracy. Please believe that today your vote matters more than ever, the stakes are huge and it is about freedom," Medeleanu said.

The speeches of the personalities present at the event were accompanied by chants for freedom by the demonstrators, against the background of the guitar chords of the "Taxi" band.
