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Priorities in implementing strategy in transport and infrastructure to be established with World Bank experts

Minister of Transports and Infrastructure Ovidiu Silaghi on Wednesday met the team of international experts of the World Bank (WB) in order to establish the stages and priorities for implementing a general strategy in transports and infrastructure.

According to a release issued by the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure (MTI), the project titled 'Support in Implementing a General Strategy in the Transport and Infrastructure Sector' is financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Development of Administrative Capability. The project is implemented with technical assistance given by the World Bank.

The activities of the project refer to giving support for drawing up and implementing a general, integrated strategy that will cover all modes of transport. This activity also includes the consolidation of the corporate management of companies aimed at introducing private management in the companies of the Ministry, but also at improving the capability of the MTI specialized staff for assessing the process of recouping the costs of the road and railway infrastructure as well as for the appropriate substantiation of the requirements for financing the transport infrastructure in keeping with the principles of the European directives.

They also refer to the increase in the capability of the MTI specialized staff for assessing the efficiency of the costs of investment projects. This is to be done by comparatively examining the unitary costs of the infrastructure in Romania with the ones in the neighbouring countries that have the same geographic structure, but also by examining and revising the cost standards for the transport infrastructure.

The project also provides for support for the development of the activity carried out by the Bucharest Metropolitan Transport Authority when it comes to the integrated coordination of the urban transport in Bucharest and the adjacent areas by drawing up the first strategy of this authority.

