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Programme financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 on combating cross-border criminality at the future Schengen border

The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) has signed an agreement to get non-reimbursable funds for a project on combating cross-border criminality at the future Schengen border, under a programme financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. 

The programme, signed by the IGPR, as the project promoter, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, as the project operator, also partners Europol, the General Inspectorate of the Police of the Republic of Moldova, the General Inspectorate of the Border Police, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the National Customs Authority. 

'A more efficient approach in preventing and fighting of cross-border criminality is viewed as a priority by the Romanian authorities, in general, and the Economic Police, in particular, considering that this phenomenon affects the state budget to a great extent and it is very important we protect the legal businesses that are paying their taxes, through the elimination of illegal competition, which non-loyal competition affects the natural course of goods in economy,' Alexandrau Catalin Nita, chief of the Fraud Investigations Directorate, said on Thursday, at the launch of the project. 

The money for the project came via the RO 21 Programme - 'Schengen Cooperation and Combating Cross-border and Organised, including trafficking and the itinerant criminal groups,' sponsored by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. 

The project will be carried out for 18 months, with the total maximum eligible value of the agreement being 800,000 euros, 680,000 euros of which represent financing and 120,000 the co-financing. 

The general objective of the project is to improve the operational capacity of the law enforcement authorities in preventing and fighting economic criminality at the future Schengen border. 

The beneficiaries of it are the Department for Fraud Investigations within the IGPR and the fraud investigations directorate of the county police inspectorates in Satu Mare, Maramures, Suceava, Botani, Iasi, Vaslui, Galati and Tulcea.
