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Romania and Pakistan need to get involved in joint-venture projects through export-import banks


Indragra&Indagra Food, the largest event of the agricultural industry and the food industry in the Eastern Europe region, can represent a platform for Pakistani companies in the field to identify potential business partners, from Romania and Europe, said the chair of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce (CCIR), Mihai Daraban.

The President of the CCIR had, on November 5, an official meeting with the new ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Romania, Muhammad Arshad Jan Pathan, on the occasion of the latter's presentation visit.

During the meeting, Mihai Daraban emphasised the importance of expanding economic cooperation in strategic sectors, with an emphasis on agriculture and the food industry, mentioning the fact that Romania presents a deficiency in the export of processed food products, while preferring the export of raw materials.

"Recently, the Indragra&Indagra Food fair ended, the largest event of the agricultural and food industry in the Eastern European region. In the future, it can represent a platform for Pakistani profile companies to identify potential business partners from Romania and Europe, meaning that the two states should identify the optimal framework for information exchange and financing of some joint venture projects, capitalizing for example on the relationship between Exim Banca Româneasca and the corresponding Pakistani organization. Equally, we consider economic fields in which Romania is performing, which CCIR has constantly promoted in recent years, which have a significant potential in Romania's bilateral relationship with Pakistan," Mihai Daraban said.

For his part, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Romania, Muhammad Arshad Jan Pathan, emphasised that the agricultural sector represents a business opportunity for Pakistani entrepreneurs.

"Obviously, the agricultural sector represents a business opportunity for Pakistani entrepreneurs, considering the fact that we have experience in this field, as well as a qualified workforce. Equally, we are interested in other areas of cooperation with bilateral impact, like the field of defence, the aeronautical, as well as the energy field. Like your country, Pakistan produces nuclear energy, having a capacity of 20,000 MW, and as Romania is going to become a regional energy hub both in terms of the exploitation of oil and natural gas resources, as well as through investments in the Cernavoda nuclear power plant and modular reactors, there is an increased interest on our part to collaborate in major joint projects in this field," stated the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Romania.

