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Romania Renaste Movement asking Mircea Geoana to run for Romania's presidency

At a news conference on Friday, the Romania Renaste Movement has asked the current NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mircea Geoana, to enter the electoral race for the highest position in the Romanian state, that of president.

National leader of the Romania Renaste Movement Dumitru Bortun called on all the "democratic and sound" forces of Romania to support Geoana in this electoral race.

"We are asking you; we are urging you and we are encouraging you! You will not be alone!" Bortun told the news conference.

He added that the Romania Renaste Movement strongly believes in a truly renewed, democratic, dignified and prosperous Romania, which should take its deserved place on the international scene.

"It's not too late yet. It is not too late to ask to be governed by deserving people, whose calling card consists of professional value, moral probity and love of country. It is not too late to ask to be treated with respect as citizens, to demand that the state responsibly take care of the public services to which we are entitled, such as healthcare, education, access to justice. It is not too late to want a Romania respected internationally for its ability to promote its interests and respect its partners. (...) In order to put into practice what we suggest, Romania needs to be led by an involved, competent and visionary president, a well-known and respected professional inside and outside the country, a person who believes with the same power as we do in the rebirth of Romania. We recognize the president we need in the person of Mircea Geoana," Bortun said.

He mentioned that among all the possible candidates in this year's presidential election, Geoana is the only one who has a transformative vision and who will be able to unleash the positive energies of the nation.

