Romania wants to speed up cooperation with Brazil in areas with potential for both countries
Romania wants to speed up cooperation with Brazil in areas with potential for both countries, namely agriculture, automotive industry, oil and gas industry, defence and aeronautics, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) Mihai Daraban said.
Daraban welcomed, on Tuesday, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Romania Ricardo Guerra de Araujo, who voiced special interest in identifying the common means meant to speed up the commercial exchanges between the two countries.
At the same time, Daraban showed full availability to continue the support for the demarches carried out by the Brazilian Embassy in Bucharest aimed at involving companies in Romania and Brazil in projects with impact in the economy, producing high added value, through mutual investments and technology transfer, in strategic areas.
"Brazil is ahead of signing the MERCOSUR Agreement with the European Union, and CCIR will support the general efforts for completing the ratification of this agreement, as the business community in Romania is interested in future advantages and facilities of access on the largest market in Latin America. We have in view speeding up cooperation with Brazil, under the new context, in areas with potential for both countries, namely agriculture, automotive industry, oil and gas industry and defence and aeronautic industry," Daraban said.
In turn, Ricardo Guerra de Araujo said he would work on syncronising the sides' effort for the organisation of the Romania Brazil joint committee in the beginning of 2024.
"As a first demarch of my term, I will work on synchronising the sides' efforts, for the organisation in the beginning of 2023 the Romania Brazil joint committee, on the sidelines of which a business forum would be organised, an excellent occasion for materialising the ideas presented today in my dialogue with President Daraban," Ricardo Guerra de Araujo mentioned.