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Romania will benefit from a system of earthquake prediction  - 8 hours before- offered by IONOTERRA, free of charge

The Israeli company IONOTERRA in partnership with the University Politechnic Bucuresti will make in Romania, in the second part of 2020 an experimental session of monitorisation of the seismic area Vrance, with emission of earthquake alert on average 8 hours before the event.

The announcement was made during the first scientific conference organized by IONOTERRA in Bucharest.

The event was honored last Friday by the presence of some official people such as Mihnea Costoiu – rector of the Univeristy Politechnic Bucuresti, Irinel Dinu – head of the department damages, PAID Romania, Elena Mateescu – general manager ANM, representatives of IGSU and the Romanian Police.

The company decided to offer Romania a first session, non-commercial by requiring the institutions of the state as a potential beneficiary of the reports the support as regards the reaction post-prognosis as well as the evalution of the plan for response in case of event-catastrophe. Romania has, otherwise, the opportunity to be the first beneficiary of the prognosis offered by IONOTERRA.

In September this year, the company  made a session of monitoring of the seismic areas situated in the Western part of Turkey and eastern Greece with a rate of success of over 90%  by using a system of minimal prediction. Thus, between 5 September 2019 – 25 September 2019 on an active period of monitorisation, IONOTERRA issued 75 earthquake alerts, 68 of them being confirmed by EMSC/CSEM.

IONOTERRA is an Israeli company set up as a result of over 30 years of research, to develop a unique solution for earthquake alert supply.

Until now, the most advanced systems of prediction in America and Japan managed to emit alert signals with only 2-3 minutes before the earthquake.
