Romanian Academy : Romania must attract more investments
Romania feels more and more the need of development and economic growth through attracting investments that would lead to the rational capitalization on the national resource, Cristian Hera, Vice President of the Romanian Academy, told a conference on the occasion of the launch of Global Compact Network Romania.
"I believe that Romania feels more and more the need for development and economic growth through attracting investments that would lead to the rational capitalization on the national resources, as the country really has potential in this respect, and by interactively promoting corporate social responsibility. The fundamental human rights, the principles and labour rights, the rights related to the collective negotiations, fighting corruption and discrimination remain the main vectors that need to be monitored and observed carefully both at the global level and at national level," said Hera.
He voiced hoped that the launch of the Global Compact Network Romania will materialize in some practical actions.
"Allow me to voice hope that this brilliant initiative to officially launch Global Compact Network Romania will materialize in practical actions to the common benefit of the business environment and the society as a whole," said the Vice President of the Romanian Academy.
In April 2014, The CSR Agency received from the United Nations Global Compact Office from New York the approval to set up the Global Compact Network Romania (GCNRo) and in October 2014 The CSR Agency received the support of the Dutch Embassy in Bucharest, as a strategic partner, to develop the network and officially launch it in March 2015.
Global Compact is a programme of the United National Organization, the largest voluntary coalition for raising responsibility among the economic players, with more than 8,000 private organization from 160 countries on all continents involved.