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Romanian authorities want to use European funds for national cadastre

Romanian authorities intend to use European funds for the national cadastre. In about a month there should be concrete details about this plan, according to Nadia Crisan, a member in the AmCham board.

She added about infrastructure for irrigation that the National Plan for Rural Development can only finance secondary irrigation infrastructure which needs investments of about 400 million euro, only if they belong to irrigation organizations.


About the measures for land structuring, the AmCham representative reminded the statements of the minister of agriculture on that topic, who said that 80,000 farmers who owned land between 1 and 5 ha should associate or sell the land to set up exploitations of over 5 ha.


“They will receive an additional 40 euro per hectare if they associate their lands. In the new Program there is the possibility to transfer 116 million euro for the years 2015,2016 and 2017 from pillar I direct payments to pillar II Rural Development, in order to activate the measure stimulating the association of farming land.


In conclusion, it means that people who give up farming activity by selling or renting the land for association will receive besides the payment from the company, 120% of the payment they were entitled to from APIA. The money will be paid until 2017, Nadia Crisan said.



Friday, October 24, 2014